Welcome Lila Elizabeth Davis

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Videos of Lila

I have a few videos of Lila acting cute that I thought I should probably post...here they are.

This first one is just a funny one I took a couple of weeks ago when I was trying to feed her; you'll see why I was having such a hard time.

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I FINALLY found a sippy cup she'll drink from; it's the cheapest kind I could find. Isn't that how it always goes? She doesn't like the ones that cost five bucks each, but the ones that are so cheap you can reuse or dispose after each use...yeah she'll drink from these. Problem is they have a straw...well, you'll see why that's a problem.

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Last one is of her walking. She was cruising for months, but she started walking overnight. She started about a week before her birthday.

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