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Welcome Lila Elizabeth Davis

Monday, May 19, 2008

I'm a Sucker

I never thought I'd get played by an barely 2 year old....

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo Books

I guess I was wrong:

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

You're Invited!

Click to make it larger :).

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween 2007

Lila was so cute in her Halloween outfit. She had no idea that later that day I would dress her up in a costume and she was going to get lots of candy (none of which she would be able to eat).

Originally, Lila was going to be a pink ladybug. I later decided that I wanted her to be Raggedy Ann like I was when I was her age. I worked long and hard to make her costume. I was making that wig at the very last minute, but it all turned out very cute, and I got reacquainted with the sewing machine.

Happy Halloween Family

I was shocked that Lila pretty much left her wig alone. She was so good!

Lila got to trick or treat with friends Allison (as Tinkerbell) and Olivia (as a puppy).

Lila wanted to hold her own candy bucket, even when it got really heavy.

Olivia, Lila, and Patrick wait for even more candy.

Our big girl did such a great job trick or treating!

This is Mommy as Raggedy Ann way back in the early 80s. It's funny that Lila looks so much like Mommy now, but she doesn't really resemble her baby pictures much.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

October 2007

October 2 - Lila got a new swingset! Mommy saw that it was being neglected in someone's yard, so we stopped to see if they wanted to sell it, and they did!

Lila loves her new playhouse!

Lila never slows down!

October 3 - Lila had her 18 month checkup, and she did great. She remains around the 40-45th percentile for weight, and is around the 75th percentile fore height...long and lean. She is right on track in every category and is well above average in many areas. We think she's exceptional!

October 5 - Lila had friends over and they played and played. Here is Lila with Olivia (under the blanket) and Allison.

Lila and Allison just chilling out.

October 6 - We went with Alicia and Allison to see Disney Princesses on Ice at the UTC Arena. It was a lot of fun!

Surprisingly, Lila really did seem to enjoy watching the skating.

The people next to us were even nice enough to let Lila sit in one of their seats. She likes to do everything like a big girl.

October 19 - Lila is a little monkey! She loves to climb!!

October 20 - Lila really enjoyed the balloons at Great Mamaw Davis's 90th birthday party.

Lila loved the attention she got from Great Great Uncle George.

October 21 - Lila looked so pretty in her Sunday dress, I wanted to catch it on film. This is what happened when I mentioned taking a picture.

It was nothing a grilled cheese couldn't solve.

October 22 - Lila at the Tennessee Aquarium with Allison and Alicia.

Typical girl, can't get enough of looking at herself in the mirror.

Lila and Olivia just chilling out waiting to look at the next fish exhibit.

October 28 - Lila's first pumpkin carving experience! Of course, she didn't actually carve, but she did play with "guts". I had to keep a close eye on her, because she kept eating the discarded pumpkin pieces!

October 30 - Lila and Abbie always enjoy going to Vandergriff Park in Hixson.

Lila ate plenty of strawberries and ended up with a stained face.

October 25 - My beautiful baby

Silly girl playing on her swingset.

October 27 - Lila attended her first Halloween party. She was just happy to walk around and collect sticks, one of her favorite past times.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Family Vacation - October 2007

October 8 - We got the wonderful opportunity to go to Indian Shores, Florida with Gran, Poppy, Uncle Matt, and Aunt Tara this year. Lila was a little beach bunny all week.

We tried to get a family shot on the beach, but Lila was too concerned with getting down to look for shells.

Aunt Tara holds Lila's shell bucket.

Lila and Daddy scour the beach for more shells to add to the bucket.

We got to get together with our friends Jen and Maya while we were down there. They just happen to live not too far from where we were staying.

We wanted to get a good picture of Aunt Tara and Uncle Matt with Lila, but again, Lila wasn't cooperating.

October 10 - Lila wouldn't let go of Poppy for long while we were playing miniature golf.

Lila and Aunt Tara had fun just lounging around.

Lila got some more driving lessons with her car float. Uncle Matt and Daddy helped her navigate around the pool.

October 13 - Daddy, Lila, and Mommy head toward the water.

Lila takes a breather in Poppy's chair.

October 12 - We had dinner at Cody's Roadhouse, and it was great! Lila enjoyed her chicken strips, a kiddie menu favorite.

Poppy helped entertain Lila while Mommy and Daddy finished their food.

Gran, Mommy, and Lila took at walk on the beach, and we even visited a bird sanctuary.

October 13 - Last day in paradise, Mommy and Lila venture into the water.

Lila says that she is the Number 1 shell finder!

Gran holds Lila's shell canister while she puts in yet another shell.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

September 2007

September 1 - Lila up close and personal

Our little Volunteer cheerleader, minus the orange :).

September 4 - This was her reaction when I told her it was time to put on sunscreen.

Swinging at the Soddy Daisy wooden park .

Lila and her friend Patrick at the park. She looks nice here, but the second after this was taken she pushed him on the ground.

September 7 - Enjoying the play area at Northgate again.

September 8 - At the Hixson Community Carnival, Lila found this little cart that she loved. It belonged to someone we do not know, but that didn't stop her from climbing in over and over and over.

Daddy and Lila got to pet cows and goats at the petting zoo

September 12 - Lila and Olivia learning to drive a little early.

September 26 - Lila got her first ride on a carousel at Coolidge Park. It made Mommy a little queasy, but Lila enjoyed it.

Lila always enjoys the fountains at Coolidge!

September 27 - Lila loves to get in the tub. Sometimes she even gets in before taking off her pjs!

September 29 - We had a yard sale, and Lila made a new friend!

Friday, August 31, 2007

August 2007

August 1 - E-I-E-I-OOOOOOO....Lila loves Old MacDonald!

Lila is getting better and better using utensils. She is extra good with a fork!

Someone saw this picture and told me that there's an old wives tale that when a child does this that they're looking for a sibling. What do I say to that? Lila's going to have to wait a while. We're enjoying being a parent to just one for now.

August 14 - Lila frequently rearranges my cabinets for me.

August 16 - I never know if Lila is going to eat what I make her. One day she'll love something, and the next day she won't touch it. This day, she loved chicken pot pie.

Lila loves to get inside boxes. If there's a box to get inside, she's there!

August 22 - Lila still loves to look at books...even Daddy's old yearbook.

Mommy (sans makeup) and her pretty little girl.

August 26 - Lila doesn't like it too much when you interrupt her "organizing."

August 27 - Sometimes one spoon just isn't enough.

Then sometimes no spoon at all is just fine.

Other times all you need is a bowl and a cup to create a masterpiece.

August 30 - Lila loves the play area at Northgate Mall. She gets very adventurous at the top of the slide and makes Mommy nervous.

August 31 - Lila in her first bikini!